TASTEBud Rewards
The tastiest loyalty program in town.
munch your way to free meals
All TASTEBud Rewards Members enjoy our most popular benefit: the Baker’s Dozen Reward. With Baker’s Dozen, Earn a free entrée (sandwich, salad, wrap, or bowl) for every 12 that you buy. In addition, you’ll get a special surprise on your birthday, and surprise offers.
even better benefits
Each purchase gets you closer to unlocking the next membership tier, where you'll earn extra-special rewards and enjoy exclusive insider offers.
membership tiers
For each $1 spent, TASTEBud Rewards Members will earn 1 Tier Point, which goes towards reaching the next Membership Tier.
1. BAKERS DOZEN: Earn a free entrée for every 12 that you buy. Includes TASTE sandwiches, salads, wraps and bowls from the cafe menu or grab and go; and Zinnia grab and go entrées.
2. BIRTHDAY TREAT: A free cookie for your birthday, redeemable at TASTE Stores throughout your birthday month.
500-2999 TIER POINTS:
silver tier
1. BAKERS DOZEN: Earn a free entrée for every 12 that you buy. Includes TASTE sandwiches, salads, wraps and bowls from the cafe menu or grab and go; and Zinnia grab and go entrées.
2. BIRTHDAY TREAT: A free cookie or dessert bar for your birthday, redeemable at TASTE Stores throughout your birthday month.
3. FREE COOKIE EVERY MONDAY with purchase of an entrée (sandwich, salad, wrap, or bowl). Redeemable at TASTE Stores.
4. FREE SMALL BAG OF CHIPS EVERY WEDNESDAY with purchase of an entrée (sandwich, salad, wrap, or bowl). Redeemable at TASTE Stores.
5. FREE COFFEE BEVERAGE EVERY WEDNESDAY, no purchase necessary. Includes latte, cappuccino, macchiato or hot coffee. Redeemable at Zinnia Cafe.
GOLD tier
1. BAKERS DOZEN: Earn a free entrée for every 12 that you buy. Includes TASTE sandwiches, salads, wraps and bowls from the cafe menu or grab and go; and Zinnia grab and go entrées.
2. BIRTHDAY TREAT: A free small nuts tin for your birthday, redeemable at TASTE Stores throughout your birthday month.
3. FREE COOKIE EVERY MONDAY with purchase of an entrée (sandwich, salad, wrap, or bowl). Redeemable at TASTE Stores.
4. FREE SMALL BAG OF CHIPS EVERY WEDNESDAY with purchase of an entrée (sandwich, salad, wrap, or bowl). Redeemable at TASTE Stores.
5. FREE COFFEE BEVERAGE EVERY WEDNESDAY, no purchase necessary. Includes latte, cappuccino, macchiato or hot coffee. Redeemable at Zinnia Cafe.
download our apP
With our TASTEBud Rewards app, your rewards are in the palm of your hands! When you order via the TASTEBud Rewards app, your TASTEBud Rewards are automatically added. In the app, enjoy the ability to reorder your favorites with one click and save your payments for a frictionless checkout. Plus, easily view your transaction history and keep track of your points.
how to redeem & apply rewards
Check Rewards
To check the status of your Tier Points, Baker's Dozen Points, and Rewards, log into the TASTEBud app and visit the "TASTEBud Balance" page, or log into your account via https://taste.myguestaccount.com/guest/. Note that once you have earned 12 Baker's Dozen Points, they will automatically convert to a Reward of "one free sandwich or salad."
Redeem Rewards in the TASTE App
Include the item you want to use rewards on in your order. On the Cart page, click “Apply Rewards,” then select the Reward you are applying.
redeem Rewards Online
Visit www.tasteunlimited.com/locations, find your location and click “order ahead.” Log in to your account to access your Rewards. Include the item you want to use rewards on in your order. At checkout, select your available Reward under “payment information” and click “Apply Your Reward.”
redeem Rewards In-Store
Tell the cashier the phone number associated with your TASTEBud account. The cashier will receive a notification for any rewards that are available for your purchase and will then ask if you would like to apply your Reward during this visit.
How do I access my tastebud account?
Click on the "Click here to request a new password." link.
Enter the email associated with your account in the Username field and click "Submit".
This will trigger an email that will allow you to set / reset the password for your account with which you can log into the app and online ordering website, as well as view your rewards and edit profile information.
Do I need a physical TASTEBud card?
Existing cards can still be swiped at register, but we now have a touch-less system and will no longer issue new physical cards. You can use your phone number, name, email, or the check-in button on the TASTE app when ordering at register. When ordering logged in to your account online* or through the TASTE app, your account information will be automatically applied.
Tell me about membership tiers.
TASTEBud Rewards’ tiers:
TASTEBud Tier – up to 499 Tier Points earned per calendar year
Silver Tier – 500 to 2999 Tier Points earned per calendar year
Gold Tier – more than 3000 Tier Points earned per calendar year
Once a TASTEBud Rewards Member reaches a new Membership Tier, they enjoy the benefits of that tier for the remainder of the year and through the next calendar year. Tier points reset at the end of each calendar year.
Please note that Tier Points are earned on pre-tax, pre-tip subtotals and do not include Gift Cards purchases.
You will receive an email when you reach a new tier, and can also see your current tier when logged in at https://taste.myguestaccount.com/ or when using the TASTE app.
*THE FINE PRINT: Tier Points are earned based on whole dollars spent on all TASTE purchases made from TASTE Stores, excluding items purchased from TASTE.online, gift cards, taxes, gratuities, shipping & handling, delivery charges, TASTE Full Service Catering, space rental fees, event booking fees, event staffing, event planning, or certain discounted, returned or refunded merchandise. Points are accrued as soon as the card is activated but Rewards are only available after the account is registered online. Rewards cannot be exchanged for cash or merchandise other than those offered with a particular reward. In the event our TASTEBud Rewards system is “down” or otherwise inoperable for any reason, rewards cannot and will not accrue on any purchases made during the system outage. The TASTEBud Rewards program may be changed or terminated at any time.
Any questions? Please contact Customer Care at CustomerCare@tasteva.com.